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Bebington Funeral Home | Eastham & Bromborough Funeral Home Chester Funeral Home | Neston & Parkgate Funeral Home

Chapels of Rest

At Castle House Funeral Home, in Higher Bebington, we have two Chapels of Rest, that provide families with a peaceful environment for them to visit their loved one in the days before the funeral. This choice is very personal, and we will always accommodate families, day or night.

All we ask is that people ring and make an appointment if they wish to visit their loved one at one of our Chapel of Rest facilities.

In Eastham we have two private Chapels of Rest and a woodland themed Service Chapel with seating for up to 25 people. 

In Elton, Chester, we have two private Chapels of Rest.

In our Neston & Parkgate Funeral Home we have two private Chapels of Rest

 Laurence Jones Funeral Directors - Castle House, Bebington Funera    

Truly Personal Service
Est 1978

We accept all major credit cards